Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Zebra Costume

Malia is taking a modern dance class. And I got roped into making the costumes for their recital. They are dancing to "The Lion Sleeps Tonight." The teacher is being the lion and all the little girls are being zebras. So, they are not supposed to look exactly like zebras but modern dance zebras! This is the first complete costume. It took me forever to figure out the sleeves but, I think it turned out adorable. They will wear black leotards and black footless tights underneath. I wish you could see the belt a little better, it's fringed! So, I have 8 more to go, wish me luck!


Lyndee W. said...

Freaking adorable! Love it! With the leggings it will be even cuter!

Sarah said...

Way to go Natalie! I'm still working on learning to sew on a button.

TheFischerFam said...

Looks good. The girls will look adorable doing their dance.