Thursday, April 23, 2009

This one's for Donna...

So, a BIG thank you to Donna. She helped me find a scrapbooking website so I could make some very cool profile pages to be shown to birthmoms. 
Then exciting news, we're actually be shown to a birthmom on Friday!! Then we'll be shown to another birthmom on Monday!! It's actually through two separate agencies. So, I'm praying and crossing my fingers. But, I think I've started to come to terms with the highs and lows of this whole process. I really think I'll be okay if we're not picked. It just really excites me that we're being shown, and I'm okay with that. The Lord is in charge and when it's our baby, we'll know.

Anyway, it's the four scrapbook pages I put together. They're small here, but if you click on them you can make them larger.


Sarah said...

Cute pages! That's exciting news!

The Boehme Family said...

YAY! Good luck with the birth moms! How can they not love you?

Lyndee W. said...

That's great news! New since Wednesday, no? I'll pray for you guys!

TheFischerFam said...

The look really good Natalie! However, I can't get them to enlarge for some reason? Are they saved as .jpg or something else?

Travis, Natalie & Malia said...

I can't get them to enlarge either. They are jpg, I'm thinking maybe they are too big. I'm going to play with them!