Thursday, February 19, 2009

Short Update

So, I realized that I haven't added anything since November, so I figured a short update was in order. 
We spent a really great Christmas in WA with my family this year. Managed to fly in and out right in between snow storms. We also had a lively adventure trying to catch a flight out of Boise, then had to cancel it and catch a flight from SLC when we got halfway to Boise and the roads were closed. 
The beginning of the year started out fine, but as the economy continued to go downhill Travis' stress levels have skyrocketed, plus he started a new semester of school which hasn't helped. 
On a sad note, Natalie's grandmother in Ogden just passed away, after living for more than 10 years after a debilitating stroke. Most of Natalie's family has come to Utah for this weekend's funeral. This is a hard one because of the lack of good memories from the last 10 years. 
Natalie's class is going well at school and Malia "loves" and I do mean "loves" school. Even when she's sick, she insists on going and is constantly asking if it's time to go catch the bus. She has also lost her sixth tooth and the Christmas song about wanting your two front teeth is very fitting.
Hope that brings you mostly up to date, I need to find some Christmas pics to upload. Hopefully I'll get back to blogging faster this time, November to February is a bit of a break!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Good to hear from you! Thanks for the update!

Sarah said...

Yeah! So glad you're back! I went through a blogging lull, too, so I can't criticize too much. :) I am sorry to hear about your grandma. Your family will be in my prayers.

Lyndee W. said...

Yay! I found you! I found you!